I would come back to Casablanca and start my own buisness enterprise of interior design. Since my dad own his own architerture enterprise, I would work with him. He would build the houses and I would design their interior. By the help of my father, I will then grow and build my own buisness and start my life independently. In Morocco, I have all my friends and family. I wouldn't be looking for other people to become friends with since I already have mine here in my place. As for Religion, this is an islamic country. However, people are free to believe in whoever they want. No one judges you on what your beliefs are. Technologicaly, Morocco receives all the new updates of every technical device. It lacks of nothing. Geographically, it is well situated. Casablanca is both hot and cold in the time being. It is nor too cold nor too hot, its in the middle. Therefore no worries about the climate.
Finally to resume, when I finish my university year I will come back to my hometown and hopefully start a new life of grownups.