Affichage des articles dont le libellé est Freedom. Afficher tous les articles
Affichage des articles dont le libellé est Freedom. Afficher tous les articles

mardi 1 décembre 2009

Notes on the Movies

The slaves used to work in fields. They were kidnapped from young age and sold to the slave markets for farmers. In 1831, Nat Turner was a literate slave. He led 30 slaves on a murderouse compagne and rebelled against 60 white people and murdered them each in their farms. The slaves had no weapons but stole some each time they were in farms. At the end of this murder, Nat Turner was hung and died. Slaves were meant to be unliterate and write because then they would learn that they have rights to freedom and would lead to rebellion. Hariette Tubman, a women who believed slaves should have freedom helped 300 slaves escape. Many southern governers and senate were helping slaves and were against helding them.

lundi 16 novembre 2009

Barack Obama in China

The President Barack Obama meets with chineese leaders in Beijing. He's spoke with college students in Shangai about emphasizing on the importance of freedom of information. He then met with China's president, Hu Jinatao, at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse and discussed the importance of U.S.-China cooperation in tackling global challenges. Afterwards, Mr. Obama and other chinesse leaders then discuss climate change, trade, North Korea and Iran. 

jeudi 1 octobre 2009

Order of Importance to Society

Natural Rights are rights that you own and can't be taken away. These differ from other rights given by the law. Natural rights include life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. 
Right to Revolution is a right or duty that is possesed by subjects of the state who can overthrow the government by justifying their actions. 
Popular Sovereignty is a doctrine theory saying that the government is created by the consent and will of its people who have all political power.
Right to Self-determination is a free choice of one's own acts. People have the right to decide how they want to be goverened without the influece of other countries. 
Social Contract is an agreement between members of societies or between the government discussing and lowering the rights and duties of each.
I personnaly think that Natural Rights should be first because the freedom of a person is the most important. Then comes the Right to Revolution and its second because I think that citizens have the right overthrow a government that is not fair. Popular Sovereignty is a part like Right to Revolution however this explains that people creat their own government.  Then Right of Self-determination which consists of complete freedom in your country. Last but not least, Social contract which I personnaly thought was less important than the others since its an agreement which limits the right and duties of each person.