jeudi 22 octobre 2009

My Mind Map !

This is the website that leads to my mindmeister about George Washington !
Feel free to visit it anytime and I hope you enjoy it !

mercredi 7 octobre 2009

Arrestation for Online Fraude Crackdown

On wednesday, the F.B.I arrested 53 people for fraude based on phishing which means to trick people by convincing them to give you their password and other information. The arests took place in Southern California, Nevada and North Carolina. F.B.I in Egypt also arrested 47 people for the same fraude. An indictment accuses the defendants to of tricking and convincing people through Internet into giving up their bank account information. These criminals have stolen about $2 million between early in year 2007 until past last month. These scams would target victims that have bank acounts in Bank of America and Wells Fargo, two of the largest national banks. The procedure was that the victims would recieve and email in which they clicked and it send them to a fake web site. It was designed to look identical to the real banking sites and they were asked to reveal their personal information as for passwords and bank acount numbers. The person in charge of all this operation was Joseph Lucas, 25. 

jeudi 1 octobre 2009


Colonists wanted to be free from everything. Therefore, they did their possible to get what they wanted. They thought of making some changes to make a better world. However, they figured out that loads of people would make a larger change. So they gathered up all the people they could and thought of revolting against the government, thus make it angry. At last, the government accepted and made some changes because having a whole group of people rebellion against you is difficult to confront. The taxes held on them made them furious which made the people rebelle more. Finally the government gave up and everyone got what they wanted.

Order of Importance to Society

Natural Rights are rights that you own and can't be taken away. These differ from other rights given by the law. Natural rights include life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. 
Right to Revolution is a right or duty that is possesed by subjects of the state who can overthrow the government by justifying their actions. 
Popular Sovereignty is a doctrine theory saying that the government is created by the consent and will of its people who have all political power.
Right to Self-determination is a free choice of one's own acts. People have the right to decide how they want to be goverened without the influece of other countries. 
Social Contract is an agreement between members of societies or between the government discussing and lowering the rights and duties of each.
I personnaly think that Natural Rights should be first because the freedom of a person is the most important. Then comes the Right to Revolution and its second because I think that citizens have the right overthrow a government that is not fair. Popular Sovereignty is a part like Right to Revolution however this explains that people creat their own government.  Then Right of Self-determination which consists of complete freedom in your country. Last but not least, Social contract which I personnaly thought was less important than the others since its an agreement which limits the right and duties of each person.