dimanche 13 décembre 2009


This was made by Andrew Johnson and following up with Lincoln's Recondtruction Plan. It was
similar to Lincoln's plan only this one hasn't the 10 percent of voters in the state plan part 3.
These were laws that restricted freedmen's rights. They established laws for slavery such as 
Curfews- Generally black people could not get together after sunset.
Vagrancy laws- Freedmen convicted of vagrancy could be fined, whipped or sold.
Labor contracts- Freedmen had to sign agreements in January for a year of work.
Land restrictions- Freed people could rent land of homes only in rural areas. 
14th amendment stated that all people would be equal and the protection of laws. 15th
amendment stated that all citizens had the right to vote.
This was a group of people who didn't accept the Black codes and thought that they were too
cruel and sever for the blacks. They tried to prevent the expansion of the black codes.
This was the insulting nickname given to the Northern Republicans by the Southerners. They
were called such because they moved to the South after the Civil War ended.
This was the nickname given to the White Southerner Republicans who would be seen as


Civil War Focus
The Civil War was over and the soldiers were finally happy to join their families. Yet, arriving to their homes, the soldier's delight became sorrow and grief by seing all houses destroyed. The cause of their war was defeated and their homes were ruined. These losses caused atroce damages in the soldiers mind. Some might become mentally disabled while others might even suicide since what they lived for was dried away. Most soldiers would be confronted with traumatizing pictures in their heads of their co-soldiers murdered with blood all over their bodies. They would make dreadful nightmares and would be frightened by anything. Most of all, almost all would come back to nothing. They went fighting with the thought of coming back to their families in peace, but almost all came back to no one and nothing. Not only would they have lost families and homes but also jobs and livestocks. The war destroyed railroads, farm buildings, shipping industries, factories etc. On the other hand, some 4 million African American were freed. They were starting their new lives yet not so good as they thought. When being slaves, they were given food and shelter, however in this new life they found themselves homless, jobless and hungry. Each chose theyr'e own pathways either going and searching for new jobs or returning to their former masters and work on plantation freely. In the real world, former President Abrahim Lincoln sought a reconstruction plan. Altough the Civil War ended, there were still some oppositions. Such as a group of congressmen opposing to Lincoln's reconstruction plan. On April 14th, 1865, Abrahim Lincoln was murdered by John Wilkes Booth. This led to Andrew Johnson becoming President and continuing the Johnson's Reconstruction Plan. It consisted of 4 things to do:
1. Forgive Southerners. 
2. Permitted each state to hole a constitutional convention. 
3. States were required to void succesion, abolish slavery, and repudiate the Confederate debt.
4. States could then hold elections and rejoin the Union.
Lincoln's plan and Johnson's plan both consisted of forgiving the South and that states were able to hold elections and rejoin the Union.
This finalizes our Newspaper about the Civil War. Hopefully life will get better and the futur will be better than the past. 
Thank you for reading us, Best Regards Hanane Benkirane for Times News Paper. 

South vs. North Advantages

Southerners had lots of fertile land which made it easier to grow crops. Yet, all of this was worked by the slaves, therefore the Southerners didn't have much work to do. They also had a lot of military colleges. This is a great advantage because they were more trained than the Northerners. They also exported cotton to most countries thus adding to their economic advantage. Finally, the last advantage was that the civil war was fought in the South so they didn't have to waste energy traveling to fight.
Northerners had more factories and industries which added to their economic growth. Most of them worked in factories which developed the production faster. They also had more military devices such as guns. Population also grew because there were more jobs offered to them therefore they would seize the opportunity and that added to its growth. With more people, the army grew bigger, which led more power to the North. 

Important Event of The Civil War

30 years after the Missouri Compromise, another matter came up again. After the war with Mexico, US had acquired a vast territory which questioned to be enslaved or free. California, on the other hand has petitioned Congress to enter as a free state. Finally came Washington D.C, which allowed slavery and eventually had the largest slave market in North America. 
On January 29, 1850, memebers of Congress debated the compromise. After eight months they've come up with Territories of New Mexico, Nevada, Arizona and Utah would be recognized as nonslavery. Washington would be abolished in the District of Columbia, although slavery would still be permitted. California would be addmitted as a free state. This brought the compromise of 1850 which included the Fugitive Slave Act. This stated that fugitives didn't have the right to go to trial and had to assist slaves. 
This act allowed people in Kansas and Nebraska to decide whether or not to allow slavery within their borders. However, this lead to violence when people started to disagree and had pro-slavery and anti-slavery. President Franklin Pierce stoped this violence and once again pro-slavery won the the election with fraud. As a result, Kansas was not allowed to become a state.
Slavery became a huge issue in the United States. Abrahim Lincoln was definitely against slavery. So, to protect the country, he tried running for presidenty. At first he failed, but after the second attempt he succeded and became the President of the United States of America in 1860. However this added more to the tensions between the North and South. This event is important because it led to the Civil War. By the help of Abrahim Lincoln, slaves were freed. 

mardi 1 décembre 2009

Notes on the Movies

The slaves used to work in fields. They were kidnapped from young age and sold to the slave markets for farmers. In 1831, Nat Turner was a literate slave. He led 30 slaves on a murderouse compagne and rebelled against 60 white people and murdered them each in their farms. The slaves had no weapons but stole some each time they were in farms. At the end of this murder, Nat Turner was hung and died. Slaves were meant to be unliterate and write because then they would learn that they have rights to freedom and would lead to rebellion. Hariette Tubman, a women who believed slaves should have freedom helped 300 slaves escape. Many southern governers and senate were helping slaves and were against helding them.

lundi 16 novembre 2009

Barack Obama in China

The President Barack Obama meets with chineese leaders in Beijing. He's spoke with college students in Shangai about emphasizing on the importance of freedom of information. He then met with China's president, Hu Jinatao, at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse and discussed the importance of U.S.-China cooperation in tackling global challenges. Afterwards, Mr. Obama and other chinesse leaders then discuss climate change, trade, North Korea and Iran. 

mercredi 11 novembre 2009

Morocco is home :) !

When I finish my university years, I am most likely to come back to my hometown Casablanca, Morocco. Using ESPRAT+G, I will discuss the reasons why. 
I would come back to Casablanca and start my own buisness enterprise of interior design. Since my dad own his own architerture enterprise, I would work with him. He would build the houses and I would design their interior. By the help of my father, I will then grow and build my own buisness and start my life independently. In Morocco, I have all my friends and family. I wouldn't be looking for other people to become friends with since I already have mine here in my place. As for Religion, this is an islamic country. However, people are free to believe in whoever they want. No one judges you on what your beliefs are. Technologicaly, Morocco receives all the new updates of every technical device. It lacks of nothing. Geographically, it is well situated. Casablanca is both hot and cold in the time being. It is nor too cold nor too hot, its in the middle. Therefore no worries about the climate.
Finally to resume, when I finish my university year I will come back to my hometown and hopefully start a new life of grownups.

No compromise situations .. !

In an adult/teenage life, a compromise may not be a solution. As in the situation of an arranged marriage. The girl/women wouldn't want to get married with someone she doesn't know and doesn't want. However her parents are forcing her to do so maybe for money problems or other reasons. The girl/women absolutley will not agree and the parents will definitely not step aside. Therefore there is no compromise because none of them would arrange an agreement that would satisfy both of them. 
In a moroccan political situation, there would be no compromise in changing the King. He should always be the son of the previous King. There is no agreement that could be made so that another King would replace the real one for so and so reasons. Therefore there is no compromise in this situation.

samedi 7 novembre 2009

Reading Questions

1) Describe the debate over the nature of government. Compare the viewpoints of

Jefferson vs Hamilton.

- Hamilton had little faith in people. He believed that the government should be more active in directing American economy.

Whereas Jefferson had more faith in people than he had on the government. 

2)What is a political party?

- Political party is a group of people who look after winning elections and hold public offices in order to control the government policies and programs. 

3) Describe John Adams presidency. What were some of the difficulties he faced?

- John Adams lacked prestige. He had difficulties in trying to govern a youg country in which party differences were becoming larger and larger. He also faced the threat of war with France. Adams had failed to not evoke his critics and he angered many of his supporters.

4) Outline the key events of Jeffersonʼs presidency.

- Jefferson's first reduced the influence of the government over American lives by reducing taxes. After the case of Marbury vs. Madison, Jefferson opposed the development of a strong central government. He then bought Louisiana from France which increased both the size and the national debt of the United States. Jefferson at last convinced the Congress to pass the Embargo act which outlawed almost all trade with foreign countries. 

jeudi 22 octobre 2009

My Mind Map !

This is the website that leads to my mindmeister about George Washington !
Feel free to visit it anytime and I hope you enjoy it !


mercredi 7 octobre 2009

Arrestation for Online Fraude Crackdown

On wednesday, the F.B.I arrested 53 people for fraude based on phishing which means to trick people by convincing them to give you their password and other information. The arests took place in Southern California, Nevada and North Carolina. F.B.I in Egypt also arrested 47 people for the same fraude. An indictment accuses the defendants to of tricking and convincing people through Internet into giving up their bank account information. These criminals have stolen about $2 million between early in year 2007 until past last month. These scams would target victims that have bank acounts in Bank of America and Wells Fargo, two of the largest national banks. The procedure was that the victims would recieve and email in which they clicked and it send them to a fake web site. It was designed to look identical to the real banking sites and they were asked to reveal their personal information as for passwords and bank acount numbers. The person in charge of all this operation was Joseph Lucas, 25. 

jeudi 1 octobre 2009


Colonists wanted to be free from everything. Therefore, they did their possible to get what they wanted. They thought of making some changes to make a better world. However, they figured out that loads of people would make a larger change. So they gathered up all the people they could and thought of revolting against the government, thus make it angry. At last, the government accepted and made some changes because having a whole group of people rebellion against you is difficult to confront. The taxes held on them made them furious which made the people rebelle more. Finally the government gave up and everyone got what they wanted.

Order of Importance to Society

Natural Rights are rights that you own and can't be taken away. These differ from other rights given by the law. Natural rights include life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. 
Right to Revolution is a right or duty that is possesed by subjects of the state who can overthrow the government by justifying their actions. 
Popular Sovereignty is a doctrine theory saying that the government is created by the consent and will of its people who have all political power.
Right to Self-determination is a free choice of one's own acts. People have the right to decide how they want to be goverened without the influece of other countries. 
Social Contract is an agreement between members of societies or between the government discussing and lowering the rights and duties of each.
I personnaly think that Natural Rights should be first because the freedom of a person is the most important. Then comes the Right to Revolution and its second because I think that citizens have the right overthrow a government that is not fair. Popular Sovereignty is a part like Right to Revolution however this explains that people creat their own government.  Then Right of Self-determination which consists of complete freedom in your country. Last but not least, Social contract which I personnaly thought was less important than the others since its an agreement which limits the right and duties of each person.

jeudi 17 septembre 2009


Mostly teenagers migrate from Morocco to other places to study in universities.  They get their IB and head to a new world to study. They mainly go out of morocco to discover other cultures but also to work. They would probably want to start work in anywhere they went and get money and then come back to their hometown to start their business.

People migrate from their countries to come to Morocco maybe for its climate. Or economic reasons. They come here to learn about the new culture, maybe even the religion. Other people for instance teachers come here to teach students what they learned in their countries. Other people may migrate because they obtained a job here in morocco that is better paid than their previous job. 

mardi 15 septembre 2009


The podcast I listened to was from David Guetta's album 'F*** Me I'm Famous'.
Musics are also podcasts therefore I listened to this music for my podcast. It's a mix of sounds and voices that creates amazing music. I personnaly like the lyrics and the beat of the music and the way it sounds. David Guetta creates his own music and beats and shares it with us in his podcasts. I don't actually learn much from listening to a music however I personnaly enjoy listening to it since its really great.

lundi 7 septembre 2009


ESPRAT is an easier learning technique. It provides you with websites and information you need. It also helps you not always looking in books, websites help better to explain. 

Who, What, How, When, and Why ... ?

Abdulla Ahmed Ali 28 years old,Tanvir Hussain 28 years old, Assad Sarwar 29 years old, were the three terrorists who planned to explode up seven trans-Atlantic flights and kill at least 1,500 passengers on a single day. These men were to bring soft-drink bottles and detonated devices powered with AA batteries in a hand luggage. These bottles contained conecentrated hydrogen peroxide, used as a propellant for rockets.The precise date was not actually mentioned but the 1st trial ended in September 2008.

Three Guilty in Plot to Blow Up Airlines

Three terrosits were guilty of plotting up seven Us and Canada bond flights to blow up over the Atlantic ocean causing the deaths of over 1,500 people on a single day. They would put liquid explosives in soft-drink bottles and would smuggle them in a handbag aboard the airplane. There would be a detonater with AA batteries with which they would explode the airplanes. This terrorist plot would of made it second only after the september 11th attacks as the most serious terrosist plot. 

jeudi 3 septembre 2009

21st Century Skills

My Parents and I have talked about it and we think that people should learn how to communicate. Its one of the basic steps in a succesful life, communication. They have to know how to communicate their ideas and share their thoughts oraly. Another thing is transportation, its important to have a transport that puts you where you want. It can be anything; subways, train, airplane, cars or buses, anything that transports you from one place to another. Finally, people should know how to us technology such as computers. This a great way to communicate any information. 

Blogging is Great !

5 reasons why blogging is great ;

Another way of communicating such as msn or gmail to chat with your friends.
Its a good way to not use paper and destroy nature.
You can write whatever you want and think without anyone judging you.
You learn how to blog which is pretty cool.
It gives you and overview of what technology is for your futur.

2009-2010 Goals

My goals for this new year is to learn as much things as I can. I would also like to improve my writting skills. Be more participant in class and always have my work done wether its at home or in class. I am really willing to get good grades this year. Another goal is to be organized, I would like to know how to organize my things and not always loose them, which i always do. 

I really hope this year will be great and succesful.